Surely the fad for fixed gear is coming to an end... The current mania for fixed-wheel bikes has provided some heartwarming sights - the sweetest being Pete Doherty look-a-likees pushing their Bianchi Pistas up any hill with an incline worse than 1 in 25. But that arbiter of bike fashion, the courier, must surely be seething every time some whey-faced child in skinny jeans pulls up at the lights and winks over his nu-rave sunglasses at him because, hey look, we're both ridin' fixed, mate!
So, when the fixed fad passes what will the cool kids be riding in a year or two?
The problem is, the fixie is a bit of an evolutionary dead end in terms of bikes - it's a minimal set-up, and if you start stripping anything else off it, it becomes.. a unicycle.
Where next then?
ask urself. u r one of the cool kids